May 7, 2024

Hawk Logistics’ brand refresh signals a bold new chapter

Miguel Vitug

Today, Hawk Logistics launches its brand new identity, a reflection of its purpose to deliver the best customer experience while protecting driver and community safety. 

The shift represents a significant milestone in the company’s ten-year history, as it looks to transform its business and expand in response to Australia’s ever-changing logistics landscape.

The new logo takes the distinctive red and blue colourway and hawk motif of the original design, and evolves it to a striking contemporary interpretation. The approach mirrors Hawk Logistics’ forward-thinking attitude and openness to change. Colours are reminiscent of the Australian flag, and the hawk remains a symbol of adaptability, intelligence and new possibilities. 

“The logistics market is in a constant state of growth," says Miguel Vitug, CEO of Hawk Logistics. “As supply chains get more complex, and faster than ever, we’re evolving ourselves to make sure our customers have the right supply chain solutions ready to meet their needs.”

The logo redesign is supported with a new tagline, ‘Trust, transported’, which succinctly sums up the company’s values and mission, while setting the brand up for longevity. 

To lead the brand refresh, Hawk Logistics worked with Melbourne-based branding experts Lumin Studio. “Our drive is to help businesses grow. This confident and assertive new logo heralds a fresh chapter for Hawk Logistics, propelling them towards the forefront of the refrigerated industry,” says Eric Bouthviseth, Creative Director at Lumin Studio. 

The refresh is part of a wider strategy for Hawk Logistics to expand across Australia and embed the company as the trusted ‘go to’ team for modern supply chain solutions.